Shoes & Sox (Platinum Specialist) - Canberra ACT


Westfield Woden, Keltie Street, Shop 1-014B, Woden ACT 2606 (Directions from | to)


(02) 6285 4700



Fashion Stores

About Shoes & Sox (Platinum Specialist)

Clarks retailer Shoes u0026 Sox (Platinum Specialist) at Westfield Woden in ACT offers an extensive range of high-quality footwear for all ages. They provide expert fittings for children's shoes, with a broad selection of school, sports and casual shoes. Their team of friendly staff provides exceptional customer service, ensuring that each customer receives a personalized shopping experience. In addition, they stock Clarks shoes, known for their exceptional comfort and timeless style, as well as other popular brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Skechers.

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Last updated:

24 Jul 2023