Kumon Maravilha/Sc


Rua Jose Bonifacio 521, Centro, Maravilha-SC (Directions from | to)


(49) 36640915




After School Programs

About Kumon Maravilha/Sc

The Kumon Maravilha/SC Center is conveniently located at Rua Jose Bonifacio 521 in the bustling heart of Maravilha-SC. The center is a renowned supplementary education provider that has helped countless students of all ages and abilities to reach their full academic potential. With a dedicated and experienced team of instructors, Kumon Maravilha/SC offers personalized instruction in math and reading, ensuring that every student receives the individual attention and support they need to succeed. Whether you are seeking enrichment or remedial assistance, Kumon Maravilha/SC has the resources and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Last updated:

18 May 2023