Kumon Jacareí - SP

About Kumon

Kumon is a renowned educational company that provides after-school learning programs for children around the world. Their objective is to help children develop strong foundation in maths and reading skills through a unique and effective learning system. The Kumon Method combines individualized instruction, daily practice, and mastery-based learning to help students improve their academic abilities and boost their confidence. Kumon has a global presence and has helped millions of students overcome academic struggles and achieve success in their education.
Rua Borba Gato 114, Centro (12) 39536902
Kumon Jacarei-Centro is a renowned educational center located at Rua Borba Gato 114 in the heart of Jacarei, SP. The center offers world-class math and reading programs designed to equip students with the knowledge, discipline, and confidence required to excel in their studies. With experienced instructors and personalized instruction, Kumon Jacarei-Centro provides an enriching learning experience that caters to the specific
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Rua Barao De Jacarei 949, Centro (12) 39527056
Kumon Jacarei-Barao/Centro/SP is a top-notch learning center located at Rua Barao De Jacarei 949, Centro, Jacarei-SP. It offers personalized and comprehensive study programs in math and reading for children from pre-school to high school. With a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors, Kumon Jacarei-Barao/Centro/SP provides an environment where students can develop their skills, improve their grades, and enhance their confidence.
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Rua Maximino Jose De Almeida 483, Jardim Morumbi (12) 39344700
The Kumon S.J. Campos-Jd. Morumbi/SP Center is a learning center located in Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil, that offers comprehensive academic programs for students of all ages. The center specializes in math and reading, providing a structured curriculum that is tailored to each student's individual needs and abilities. Their experienced instructors are passionate about helping students achieve their full potential, and
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Rua Icatu 530 Sl 1, Parque Industrial (12) 30288889
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Parque Industrial Center is an educational center located in Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP, specifically at Rua Icatu 530 Sl 1 in Parque Industrial. This center focuses on providing academic enrichment programs for students in math and reading, with the goal of building strong foundations in these subjects and fostering lifelong learning skills. The highly trained instructors
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Praca Jose Carlos Bastos 155, Bosque Dos Eucaliptos (12) 39362886
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Bosque/Sp Center located at Praca Jose Carlos Bastos 155, Bosque Dos Eucaliptos, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP is a highly reputable and well-established learning center that offers specialized programs in mathematics and reading for children of all ages. With a team of highly experienced instructors and a comprehensive curriculum, the center provides individualized instruction to help students establish a strong
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Rua Dos Girassois 110, Jardim Das Industrias (12) 39317173
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Jd.Industrias/Sp Center located at Rua Dos Girassois 110, Jardim Das Industrias in São Jose Dos Campos is a learning center that provides personalized and adaptive math and reading programs for students of all ages and abilities. Through a self-learning method and individualized instruction, the center helps students develop strong academic skills, confidence, and a love for learning. The center's
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Rua Cordoba 215, Jardim America (12) 39315340
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Jd America/Sp Center located at Rua Cordoba 215 in Jardim America, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP is a highly recommended learning institution designed to provide quality education for students of all ages. With a team of dedicated and experienced instructors, students can expect personalized attention and support as they work towards improving their skills in subjects like math and reading.
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Av Alfredo Ignacio Nogueira Penido 255 Sala 710, Parque Residencial Aquarius (12) 39213907
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Jd. Aquarius Center is a tutoring center located in the Parque Residencial Aquarius neighborhood of Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. The center offers personalized, self-learning programs in math, reading, and writing for children of all ages and skill levels. With experienced instructors and a supportive learning environment, the Kumon program helps students develop essential academic skills and
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Av Ironman Victor Garrido 450 Sala 8, Urbanova (12) 33465200
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Urbanova Center is a well-equipped educational facility located at Av Ironman Victor Garrido 450 Sala 8, Urbanova, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. The center offers personalized and self-paced learning programs designed to help children develop their academic skills and reach their full potential. The Kumon method encourages students to work independently and improve their concentration, discipline, and
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Rua Joao Fonseca Dos Santos 19 Sl 4/5, Floradas De Sao Jose (12) 39317061
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Vale Sul/Sp Center is a learning center located in São Jose dos Campos, Brazil. It is situated at Rua Joao Fonseca Dos Santos 19 Sl 4/5 in the Floradas de Sao Jose neighborhood. The center offers academic programs that help students of all ages develop skills in math and language arts. With a personalized learning approach, Kumon ensures that
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Rua Jose Francisco Alves 44, Vila Ema (12) 30290021
The Kumon Sjc-Vila Ema Center is located in the Vila Ema neighborhood of Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP, on Rua Jose Francisco Alves 44. It is a learning center that offers personalized instruction and assistance in math and reading for children of all ages and skill levels. The center is designed to help children develop strong academic skills, build confidence, and prepare
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Avenida Anchieta 1410 Sl 9, Jardim Esplanada Ii (12) 30272251
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Jd Esplanada Center is a reliable and effective educational institution located in Avenida Anchieta 1410 Sl 9, Jardim Esplanada Ii, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. This center offers high-quality math and reading programs designed to help children and students of all ages excel in their academic studies. The experienced and knowledgeable instructors at Kumon use a personalized
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Avenida Lucas Nogueira Garcez 297, Centro (11) 46935347
The Kumon Guararema/SP Center is a place where children of all ages can improve their academic skills through personalized learning programs in math and reading. Located at Avenida Lucas Nogueira Garcez 297, Centro, Guararema-SP, the center offers a supportive and encouraging environment, as well as experienced tutors who work with each child individually to help them reach their full potential. With
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Rua Major Antonio Domingues 89 Sl 1, Centro (12) 39413586
Kumon S.J.Campos-Centro/Sp is a learning center located in the heart of Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. The center offers a personalized and self-paced learning experience to students of all ages in subjects like math and reading. With a dedicated team of skilled instructors, Kumon S.J.Campos-Centro/Sp aims to develop strong academic skills, work ethic, and confidence among its students. The center's flexible scheduling
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Rua Major Antonio Domingues 89 Sl 1, Centro (12) 39413586
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Centro is a well-established learning center located at Rua Major Antonio Domingues 89 Sl 1, Centro in Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP. The center offers a range of subjects designed to help students develop academic skills in both math and reading. The program follows a personalized approach, allowing each student to work at their own pace
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Praca Professor Estevao Ferri 73 Sl 1, Monte Castelo (12) 30193890
The Kumon Jardim Paulista Center is located at Praca Professor Estevao Ferri 73 Sl 1 in Monte Castelo, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. It is a center that offers educational programs in mathematics and reading for students of all ages and skill levels. The center provides personalized learning plans that are tailored to each student's individual needs, allowing them to progress at
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Avenida Pico Das Agulhas Negras 1025, Jardim Altos De Santana (12) 39419726
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Altos De Santana/Sp Center is located at Avenida Pico Das Agulhas Negras 1025 in Jardim Altos De Santana, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. It is a center that provides excellent tutoring services for students in math, reading and writing, and English learning programs. With a highly experienced team of skilled and dedicated instructors, Kumon S.J.Campos-Altos De Santana/Sp Center offers personalized
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Av Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek 6812 Loja 221, Vila Industrial (12) 39025170
The Kumon S J Campos Vila Industrial Center is conveniently located at Av Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek 6812 Loja 221, in the vibrant neighborhood of Vila Industrial, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP. This center offers a unique and effective learning method that caters to children of all ages and abilities. Kumon specializes in math and reading, helping students develop a strong foundation that
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Rua Sao Jorge 61, Santana
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Santana Center at Rua Sao Jorge 61, Santana, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP is a well-equipped and fully organized center that offers personalized educational support to students of all ages. With a team of experienced and highly qualified instructors, the center provides individualized learning plans to help students develop their math, reading, and writing skills, allowing them
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Rua Belize 214, Vista Verde (12) 39293837
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Vista Verde/Sp Center is a tutoring center located in Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP that provides a variety of educational programs to help students improve their academic skills. With a focus on individualized learning, the center offers personalized instruction in subjects such as math and reading. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace and develop self-learning skills that
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Avenida Ricieri Jose Marcatto 1251, Vila Suissa (11) 47617971
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Cesar De Souza Center is a learning center located at Avenida Ricieri Jose Marcatto 1251, Vila Suissa, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP that provides individualized instruction in math and reading for students of all ages and abilities. The program is designed to help students build strong foundational skills, improve their study habits, and develop confidence and independence in their
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Rua Adriano Cesar Pinto 45, Socorro (11) 27588158
The Kumon M.Das Cruzes-Socorro/Sp Center is a learning center located at Rua Adriano Cesar Pinto 45, Socorro, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP. The center offers personalized after-school math and reading programs for students of all ages and skill levels. The Kumon method focuses on self-learning and developing strong study habits to achieve academic success and independence. The trained instructors provide guidance and support
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Rua Olegario Paiva 422, Centro (11) 47262809
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Shangai Center is a well-regarded educational facility located in the heart of Mogi Das Cruzes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This center provides students of all ages and academic backgrounds with access to high-quality tutoring services, personalized study plans, and a supportive learning environment. With a team of experienced instructors and cutting-edge educational resources, Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Shangai is
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Rua Luiz Da Silva Pires 133, Vila Oliveira (11) 47965805
The Kumon M.Das Cruzes-V.Oliveira/Sp Center at Rua Luiz Da Silva Pires 133, Vila Oliveira, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP is a highly-regarded and well-respected learning center that focuses on personalized, individualized learning plans for each student. They offer tutoring and support for students of all ages and skill levels, and are equipped with experienced educators who are passionate about helping their students succeed.
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Rua Senador Dantas 696, Centro (11) 47998741
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Senador Dantas/SP Center, located at Rua Senador Dantas 696 in the bustling Centro district of Mogi Das Cruzes in São Paulo state, is a valuable resource for students seeking supplemental education and enrichment. The dedicated instructors and supportive staff at Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes offer personalized learning programs in math and reading designed to help students of
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Rua Capitao Leoncio Arouche De Toledo 253, Vila Avignon (11) 47906266
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes - Mogilar Center is a well-established and reputable educational institution located at Rua Capitao Leoncio Arouche De Toledo 253, Vila Avignon in Mogi Das Cruzes-SP. This center offers expert guidance and personalized learning programs in math and reading for students of all ages and skill levels. With a dedicated team of experienced instructors and a comprehensive
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Rod Mogi Dutra Km 42/50 M/Com Sao F.Co De Assis, Serra Do Itapeti (11) 996639241
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Arua Center is a highly rated learning center located on Rod Mogi Dutra Km 42/50 M/Com Sao F.Co De Assis, Serra Do Itapeti, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP. They offer personal study programs tailored to each individual student's needs and abilities in math and reading. Their experienced and dedicated instructors provide support and guidance to help students improve their
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Rua Princesa Isabel De Braganca 252, Centro (11) 47262909
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Centro is a learning center located at Rua Princesa Isabel De Braganca 252 in Mogi Das Cruzes, Brazil. The center offers a program designed to help students improve their math and reading skills, as well as their ability to learn independently. The program is offered at various levels, allowing students to progress at their own pace. The
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Avenida Getulio Vargas 411, Alto Da Boa Vista (11) 47964591
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes Sao Joao Center is a highly recommended learning center located at Avenida Getulio Vargas 411 in Mogi Das Cruzes, SP. Their efficient and time-tested approach caters to students of all ages who aspire to pursue academic excellence. The center provides personalized lesson plans with individualized coaching and mentorship to guide students towards achieving their maximum potential.
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Rua Dr Deodato Wertheimer 2906, Mogi Moderno (11) 26105431
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes - Mogi Moderno Center is located at Rua Dr Deodato Wertheimer 2906 in Mogi Moderno, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP. This educational center offers personalized and self-paced learning programs in math and reading for children from preschool through high school. Their method focuses on building strong foundational skills and critical thinking abilities to help students achieve academic success.
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Rua Gaspar Conqueiro 712 Casa 1, Vila Victoria (11) 47273226
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes - Alto Do Ipiranga Center, located at Rua Gaspar Conqueiro 712 Casa 1, Vila Victoria, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP, is a well-respected educational center that offers personalized and structured programs for children to improve their academic skills. The center helps young students succeed by focusing on math and reading skills, starting with the basics and gradually moving
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Rua Coronel Alcantara 570 Sala 2, Centro (12) 36524077
The Kumon Cacapava - Centro is a center for academic enrichment located at Rua Coronel Alcantara 570 Sala 2 in the central area of Cacapava, Sao Paulo. The center offers personalized learning programs in math and reading for students of all ages and skill levels. Highly trained instructors work with students individually, providing tailored guidance and support to help them build
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Rua Lizardo Monteiro Garcia 166, Braz Cubas (11) 47225313
The Kumon M.Das Cruzes-Bras Cubas/Sp Center at Rua Lizardo Monteiro Garcia 166, Braz Cubas, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP is a great educational facility that helps students of all ages and academic levels improve their math and language abilities through personalized, self-paced learning programs. With experienced instructors and a positive learning environment, students receive individualized attention and support to help them achieve their
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Rua Thuller 786, Jardim Universo (11) 47944883
The Kumon M. Das Cruzes-Jd. Universo/SP center is a highly acclaimed educational institution situated at Rua Thuller 786, Jardim Universo, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP. With a focus on academic skills development, the center offers personalized learning programs in math and reading, helping students of all ages and ability levels meet and exceed their academic goals. The experienced and highly qualified instructors provide
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Praca Dos Veteranos De Guerra 101 Sl 2, Jundiapeba (11) 28126117
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Jundiapeba Center is a learning center located at Praca Dos Veteranos De Guerra 101 Sl 2, Jundiapeba in Mogi Das Cruzes, Sao Paulo. This center offers personalized instruction for students in math and reading, helping them to improve their academic skills and build confidence in their abilities. With a focus on individualized learning plans and a supportive
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