Kumon Piracicaba - SP

About Kumon

Kumon is a renowned educational company that provides after-school learning programs for children around the world. Their objective is to help children develop strong foundation in maths and reading skills through a unique and effective learning system. The Kumon Method combines individualized instruction, daily practice, and mastery-based learning to help students improve their academic abilities and boost their confidence. Kumon has a global presence and has helped millions of students overcome academic struggles and achieve success in their education.
Avenida Franca 35, Jardim Europa (19) 30358189
The Kumon Piracicaba-Cidade Jardim Center, located at Avenida Franca 35, Jardim Europa, Piracicaba-SP, is an educational center that provides individualized learning programs in math and reading for students of all ages and skill levels. With experienced instructors and a supportive environment, students can build a strong foundation in core subjects and develop effective study habits that will serve them well in
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Rua Boa Morte 1972, Centro (19) 34323969
The Kumon Piracicaba-Paulista/SP Center at Rua Boa Morte 1972, Centro, Piracicaba-SP is a well-known educational center that specializes in providing personalized and comprehensive math and reading materials for students of all ages. The center has a team of experienced instructors who work closely with each student, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and creating a tailored lesson plan to help them achieve
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Rua Saldanha Marinho 2254, Vila Independencia (19) 30359049
The Kumon Piracicaba-Independencia/SP Center is a place that provides learning opportunities to people of all ages. Located at Rua Saldanha Marinho 2254, Vila Independencia, Piracicaba-SP, the center offers a variety of programs designed to help students improve their skills in math and English. With carefully crafted course materials and experienced instructors, Kumon ensures that every student receives the attention and guidance
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Avenida Doutor Clemente Ferreira 1052, Jardim Monumento (19) 34219666
The Kumon Piracicaba-Nova Piracicaba Center is a well-equipped educational center located at Avenida Doutor Clemente Ferreira 1052, Jardim Monumento, Piracicaba-SP. The center provides a unique educational experience focused on helping students of all ages and skill levels to improve their concentration, develop critical thinking skills, and boost academic performance through individualized learning programs. With an experienced team of instructors, personalized study
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Rua Luiz Razera 637, Nova America (19) 34262536
The Kumon Piracicaba-Jardim Elite/Sp Center is located at Rua Luiz Razera 637 in Nova America, Piracicaba-SP. This learning center offers various programs for students of all ages to help them improve their math and reading skills. The instructors work with each student individually to create a customized learning plan and provide guidance and support to help them achieve their academic goals.
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Av Dois Corregos 707, Piracicamirim (19) 33774005
Kumon Piracicaba - Av Dois Corregos/Sp Center is a renowned educational center located at Av Dois Corregos 707, Piracicamirim, Piracicaba-SP. The center is committed to providing quality education to students of all ages through personalized study programs that focus on building fundamental skills in math and reading. With experienced instructors and a comprehensive learning curriculum, Kumon Piracicaba delivers exceptional learning outcomes
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Rua Miguel Zilio 51, Santa Terezinha (19) 33776643
The Kumon Piracicaba-Sta Terezinha/Sp Center is a comprehensive educational center located in Santa Terezinha, Piracicaba-SP. This center offers personalized academic programs that focus on improving children's abilities in math and language arts. The center's instructors use a personalized approach to create a learning plan that fits each student's individual needs and goals. With a well-rounded curriculum and skilled instructors, the Kumon
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Rua Joao Baptista De Aguiar 447, Sao Cristovao I (19) 34934396
The Kumon Rio Das Pedras/Sp Center, located at Rua Joao Baptista De Aguiar 447, Sao Cristovao I, Rio Das Pedras-SP, is a learning center that provides individualized academic enrichment programs for children of all ages and abilities. Their curriculum focuses on math and reading skills, and their experienced instructors work with each student to help them reach their full potential. With
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Rua Riachuelo 648 Sl 04, Centro (19) 34548666
The Kumon Santa Barbara D Oeste/Sp Center is a welcoming and supportive learning environment located in the heart of Santa Barbara D Oeste. The center is dedicated to providing personalized educational plans to help students reach their full potential in math and reading. The experienced instructors work closely with each student to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop a customized
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Rua Sebastiao Bosco 49 41 45, Jardim Ipanema (19) 34455540
The Kumon Limeira - Ipanema/Sp Center is a highly regarded educational institution located in the Jardim Ipanema neighborhood of Limeira-SP. With its experienced and dedicated team of instructors, the center offers comprehensive and personalized instruction in mathematics and reading, helping students of all ages and abilities to excel academically and develop the confidence and skills they need to succeed in life.
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Rua Humaita 665, Centro (19) 34432772
The Kumon Limeira-Centro I/SP is a reliable and well-established educational center situated on Rua Humaita in the heart of Limeira-SP. The center provides exceptional study programs that aim to develop essential skills in students of all ages and levels. With expert instructors and innovative teaching methods, Kumon Limeira-Centro I/SP teaches reading, writing, and math to help children achieve their academic goals
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Rua Conego Cipriano De Souza Oliveira 200, Vila Sao Luiz (19) 34419874
The Kumon Limeira-Montezuma/Sp Center is located on Rua Conego Cipriano De Souza Oliveira in the Vila Sao Luiz neighborhood of Limeira-SP. This center provides academic support and enrichment for children of all ages through personalized tutoring and engaging activities. With a focus on math and reading, the Kumon method emphasizes independent learning and mastery of foundational skills. The experienced instructors at
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Rua 02 1528, Centro (19) 35322801
The Kumon Rio Claro-Central Center, located on Rua 02 1528 in Centro, Rio Claro-SP, is a highly reputable learning center that offers personalized math and reading programs for children of all ages and skill levels. With experienced and dedicated instructors, a supportive learning environment, and a proven curriculum, the Kumon method helps students build foundational skills and cultivate self-confidence needed for
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Rua Helio Rodrigues Pires 410, Jardim 10 De Outubro (15) 32831987
The Kumon Helio Kihara Center located at Rua Helio Rodrigues Pires 410 in Jardim 10 De Outubro, Laranjal Paulista-SP is a respected educational institution that offers personalized learning programs for math and reading to students of all ages and skill levels. The experienced instructors work with each student individually to identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a tailored learning plan
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