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Tommy Hilfiger Hamelin

About Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger is an American fashion brand known for its preppy and classic designs, often incorporating the red, white, and blue color scheme. Founded in 1985, the brand offers clothing, footwear, accessories, and fragrances for men, women, and children. Tommy Hilfiger is recognized for its marketing campaigns featuring celebrities and athletes, and has become a global lifestyle brand with retail locations in over 100 countries. The brand values inclusivity and sustainability, actively working towards reducing its environmental impact and promoting diversity and equality.
Stadtgalerie Hameln, 31785 Hameln + 49 (0) 5151 407586
The Tommy Hilfiger store at Stadtgalerie Hameln is a stylish and welcoming retail space that offers the latest fashion trends and accessories to discerning men and women. With a sleek and modern design, the store's spacious layout and thoughtful placement of product displays allow customers to easily browse the collections and try on their favorite items. The friendly and knowledgeable staff
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