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Komplek Sudirman Center 108 AC, Jln. Moh. Yamin, 0819-5703-1890
The Kumon Sriwijaya Center is situated in Komplek Sudirman Center 108 AC, Jln. Moh. Yamin, Rawa Laut, Bandar Lampung-35127. The center is known for its academic support programs for students to improve and enhance their math and reading skills. Kumon is a renowned educational institution that offers a self-paced learning system for students of all ages. The center provides a calm
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Jln. Wolter Monginsidi No. 19B, Gotong Royong, 0899-2733-947
The Kumon Wolter Monginsidi Center is a learning institution located at Jln. Wolter Monginsidi No. 19B in the Gotong Royong area of Tanjung Karang Pusat, Bandar Lampung. It provides a personalized learning program that aims to develop students' academic skills in Math and English. With passionate and experienced instructors, the center offers a supportive and comfortable environment for students to improve
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Jln. Gajah Mada II No. 59, Kota Baru, 0851-0151-7672
The Kumon Gajah Mada Center is located at Jln. Gajah Mada II No. 59 in Kota Baru, Tanjung Karang Timur, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung-35121. The center offers educational programs that are designed to help children improve their mathematics and reading skills. With a focus on self-paced learning, the center provides individualized instruction to each student, allowing them to progress at their
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Villa Citra 2 Blok B1/19 Jagabaya III, Kec. Sukabumi Kota 0851-6122-7220
The Kumon Villa Citra 2 Center is a reputable educational center located at Villa Citra 2 Blok B1/19 Jagabaya III, Kec. Sukabumi Kota in Bandar Lampung. The center is dedicated to providing quality academic instruction to students of all ages. It offers Kumon's unique step-by-step learning method designed to develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The center has highly trained
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Jln. Teuku Umar No. 37B, Kedaton 0821-4028-0006
Kumon Teuku Umar – Lampung Center is a learning center located on Jln. Teuku Umar in Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The center offers personalized math and reading programs for children starting as young as age three all the way up to high school level. The Kumon method emphasizes self-learning and aims to build confidence and independence in students by providing them with
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Jln. Zaenal Abidin Pagar Alam 6, Labuhan Ratu (0721)707310
The Nissan-Datsun Labuhan Ratu dealership is located in Lampung, Indonesia. The dealership is easily accessible and has a great location on Jln. Zaenal Abidin Pagar Alam 6 in Labuhan Ratu. With a wide range of Nissan and Datsun vehicles available, customers are sure to find their perfect car at this dealership. Customers can also rely on the knowledgeable and friendly staff
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Jln. Kayu Manis No. 35C Kel. Sepang Jaya, Kec. Kedaton 0822-8013-2440
The Kumon Kayu Manis No.35C Center is located on Jln. Kayu Manis in the Sepang Jaya neighborhood, Kedaton district of Kota Bandar Lampung. This center is dedicated to providing educational support in math and reading for children of all ages and levels. With personalized learning plans and individualized instruction, the Kumon method encourages students to develop self-learning skills and achieve academic
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Jln. Z.A. Pagar Alam No. 34G, Kel. Gedung Meneng, 0822-7978-8878
The Kumon Gedung Meneng - Rajabasa Center is a center located at Jln. Z.A. Pagar Alam No. 34G, Kel. Gedung Meneng, Kec. Rajabasa in Bandar Lampung. It offers learning programs for students of all ages in subjects such as math and English, using a personalized approach to help each student reach their full potential. The center is staffed by trained instructors
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Jln. Teuku Cik Ditiro BR 9/4A RT 013 Beringin Raya - Kemiling, Bandar Lampung-35158 0853-8179-5971
The Kumon Beringin Raya Center at Jln. Teuku Cik Ditiro BR 9/4A RT 013 Beringin Raya - Kemiling, Bandar Lampung-35158 is a learning center that offers personalized and self-paced learning programs for children of all ages. With a focus on math and reading, the Kumon method aims to develop strong academic skills, as well as confidence and independence in learners. The
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Jln. Raflesia Raya No. 4, Perumnas Way Kandis, 0811-799-8886
The Kumon Perumnas Way Kandis Center is an educational center located at Jln. Raflesia Raya No. 4, Perumnas Way Kandis, Kec. Tj. Senang, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung-35141. It offers after-school academic programs designed to help students improve their mathematical and reading skills. The center provides individualized learning plans to students to ensure that they receive personalized attention tailored to their unique
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