Galleria Dello Sport Via Ricasoli 25/R #2 - Florence


Via Ricasoli 25/R, 50121 Firenze (TOS) (Directions from | to)


055 211486


About Galleria Dello Sport

Galleria Dello Sport is a reputable adidas retailer located at Via Ricasoli 25/R, 50121 Firenze (TOS) that offers an extensive range of high-quality sports gear for athletes of all levels. The shop's welcoming and modern interior creates a pleasant shopping experience, and their knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist with any inquiries or guidance needed. In addition to shoes, apparel, and accessories, Galleria Dello Sport also offers customization services to personalize merchandise based on individual preferences. Overall, Galleria Dello Sport is an excellent option for sports enthusiasts looking for fashionable, sturdy, and reasonably priced sportswear in Florence.

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Last updated:

20 Jan 2025