Starbucks Mangwol-dong


1066-3, Hanam Misa Sageori DT, Mangwol-dong, Hanam-si-12914 (Directions from | to)



About Starbucks Mangwol-dong

Starbucks at 1066-3, Hanam Misa Sageori DT, Mangwol-dong, Hanam-si-12914 is a bustling and conveniently-located coffee shop that offers a wide variety of high-quality coffee drinks, teas, and snacks in a comfortable and modern setting. The store is equipped with drive-thru services, making it a convenient option for those on the go. The welcoming and knowledgeable staff are always available to answer questions about the menu and provide recommendations to ensure your visit is enjoyable and satisfying. Overall, it's the perfect spot to cozy up with your favorite beverage or quickly grab a coffee for the road.

Last updated:

15 Apr 2024