adidas Store Namyangju


경강로, 1f, 남양주-12245 (Directions from | to)





Fashion, Sporting Goods

Store hours

Mon-Fri: 10:00-21:00
Sat-Sun: 10:00-22:00

About adidas Store Namyangju

The adidas Store Namyangju is a bustling retail location within the popular shopping district of 남양주. Located on the first floor of a modern building on 경강로, this store offers a wide selection of popular and trendy adidas products, including athletic shoes, apparel, and accessories for men, women, and kids. The store layout is spacious and organized, making it easy to navigate and find the perfect items for your needs. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, providing excellent customer service and helping shoppers with any questions or concerns. With competitive prices and frequent sales, the adidas Store Namyangju is the perfect destination for any fashion-forward athlete or enthusiast.

Last updated:

15 Apr 2024