Starbucks Madu-dong Ilsan dong-gu


751, Ilsan Baengma, Madu-dong, Ilsan dong-gu, Goyang-si-10416 (Directions from | to)



About Starbucks Madu-dong Ilsan dong-gu

Starbucks at 751, Ilsan Baengma, Madu-dong, Ilsan dong-gu, Goyang-si-10416 is a bustling coffee shop that offers a cozy atmosphere and exceptional coffee blends. The store is located in a prime area and boasts ample seating, making it perfect for both solo coffee dates or large group hangouts. With an extensive menu of hot and cold beverages, including popular favorites such as caramel macchiatos and a variety of frappuccinos, Starbucks 751 is sure to satisfy even the pickiest coffee drinkers. Additionally, the staff is warm and welcoming, ensuring that every visit is a pleasant experience.

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Last updated:

09 May 2024