Home > Mexico > General Escobedo > Restaurants > KFC > Av. Sendero Norte

KFC Plaza Sendero


Av. Sendero Norte 130, Centro Comercial Plaza Sendero, Sin Nombre De Col 21, 66050 General Escobedo NLE (Directions from | to)





About KFC Plaza Sendero

The KFC restaurant at Av. Sendero Norte 130, Centro Comercial Plaza Sendero, Sin Nombre De Col 21, 66050 General Escobedo NLE is a bustling and popular fast-food eatery, known for its delicious fried chicken and other comfort foods. The restaurant is situated in a convenient location within a shopping center, making it easily accessible for diners. The interior of the restaurant is clean and spacious, with ample seating options for both individuals and groups. The staff is friendly and efficient, providing quick service to customers. Overall, the KFC restaurant at Av. Sendero Norte 130 is a great spot for a tasty and satisfying meal.

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Last updated:

29 May 2023