Kumon Maha Sarakham

About Kumon

Kumon is a renowned educational company that provides after-school learning programs for children around the world. Their objective is to help children develop strong foundation in maths and reading skills through a unique and effective learning system. The Kumon Method combines individualized instruction, daily practice, and mastery-based learning to help students improve their academic abilities and boost their confidence. Kumon has a global presence and has helped millions of students overcome academic struggles and achieve success in their education.
189 ถ.นครสวรรค์, ต.ตลาด อ.เมือง 083-660-4860
The Kumon center located at 189 ถ.นครสวรรค์, ต.ตลาด อ.เมือง, จ.มหาสารคาม-44000 is a great educational resource for children to develop their math and reading skills. The center offers a structured program that focuses on building a strong foundation in these subjects and encourages self-learning. The experienced and dedicated instructors help personalize the learning experience for each individual student, providing guidance and support
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58 ถ.เฉลิมพระเกียรติ ร.9 ต.ตลาด เมืองมหาสารคาม มหาสารคาม-44000 094-282-3344
The Kumon Maha Sarakham Center, located opposite the Prakummar Maha Sarakham School, is a renowned educational facility that offers a comprehensive and personalized learning experience for students of all ages. With a strong focus on developing strong math and reading skills, the center's expert instructors guide students through the Kumon method, which fosters independent learning and critical thinking. The center promotes
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