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Gas Stations Hsinchu

新竹大遠百, 300 新竹市東區西大路323號 B3 03 523 3121
The Tesla Charger located at 新竹大遠百 is a convenient and spacious charging station that provides fast and reliable charging for Tesla vehicles. Located on the B3 level, the charger is accessible for all Tesla drivers and is equipped with multiple charging stalls for efficient usage. The charging station is clean and well-maintained, with clear signage and easy-to-use charging equipment. Whether you
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新竹-湳雅大潤發, 30052 新竹市北區湳雅街97號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹-湳雅大潤發 in Hsinchu City is a convenient charging station for Tesla owners with a central location in the northern district. The station is located at 97 Nayaha Street and features multiple charging bays for ultra-fast charging. Tesla Superchargers can charge up to 50% in just 20 minutes, allowing drivers to quickly get back on the road. The
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萊恩廣場, 300 新竹市東區公道五路二段101號 03 573 5547
The Tesla Charger at 萊恩廣場 is a convenient and efficient way to charge your Tesla electric vehicle while in 新竹市. Located at 300 新竹市東區公道五路二段101號, 東區, the charger features a high-speed Level 2 charging system, capable of delivering up to 80 amps of power to your vehicle’s battery. With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use connector, you can quickly and easily charge your
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新竹-科學園區, 科學園區工業東二路1號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹-科學園區 is a convenient and cutting-edge charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. Located at 科學園區工業東二路1號 in 新竹市, this Supercharger offers speedy charging with up to 250 kW of power, allowing Tesla drivers to recharge their vehicles quickly while on the go. The station features multiple charging stalls and is strategically placed near dining and shopping options, making
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歐匠系統家具 新竹展示中心, 302 新竹縣竹北市自強南路282號 03 550 9788
The Tesla Charger at 歐匠系統家具 新竹展示中心 is a state-of-the-art charging station designed specifically for Tesla electric vehicles. Located in 竹北市, it features the latest charging technology which allows for high-speed charging, providing Tesla owners with a convenient and reliable place to charge their vehicles while they shop or explore the surrounding area. The charging station is easy to use and features
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7-11 冠盈門市, 300 新竹市北區西濱路一段286號 03 536 4694
The Tesla Charger at 7-11 冠盈門市 in 新竹市北區西濱路 is a convenient and speedy way to charge your electric vehicle. Located at 286號, 北區, this Tesla Charger offers a high-speed charging option to quickly re-power your electric car. It is located in a convenient location close to amenities and is easily accessible 24/7. With advanced technology, it ensures that your battery is
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新竹-竹北嘉豐南路, 302 新竹縣竹北市嘉豐南路 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 新竹-竹北嘉豐南路 is a convenient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles, located in the city of Zhubei. The Supercharger features eight charging stalls, offering up to 150 kW of power for fast charging times. The station is situated near a shopping center and a variety of restaurants, making it a convenient stop for Tesla drivers on long
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Gba吉比鮮釀餐廳 竹北店, 302 新竹縣竹北市惟馨街79號1樓 03 553 3288
The Tesla Charger located at Gba吉比鮮釀餐廳 竹北店 in 竹北市 is a fast, convenient and reliable electric vehicle (EV) charging station. It is equipped with a Tesla-specific Supercharger, which can quickly charge Tesla electric cars to 80% capacity in 30 minutes or less, providing customers with a fast and convenient charging option while they enjoy a delicious meal at the restaurant. The
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新竹-竹北哈洛德, 302 新竹縣竹北市文興路二段 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹-竹北哈洛德 is a convenient and efficient way for Tesla owners to charge their vehicles while on the go. It is located at 302 新竹縣竹北市文興路二段 in 新竹 and offers high-speed charging with up to 150 miles of range added in just 30 minutes. The Supercharger has multiple stalls, so multiple Teslas can charge at the same time. Additionally,
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6+Plaza廣場, 302 新竹縣竹北市復興三路二段168號 B1 591車位 03 620 8168
The Tesla Charger located at 6+Plaza廣場, 302 新竹縣竹北市復興三路二段168號 B1 591車位, 竹北市 is a convenient and efficient way for Tesla electric vehicle owners to recharge their cars. The charging station is situated in the underground parking area and offers a premium experience with a spacious layout and modern amenities. The charger has a maximum power output of 120 kW, allowing Tesla vehicles
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億家具 批發倉庫 新竹, 302 新竹縣竹北市東興路一段486號 03 657 8646
The Tesla Charger at 億家具批發倉庫 in 竹北市 is a convenient and reliable way for Tesla vehicle owners to recharge their cars. Located at 302 新竹縣竹北市東興路一段486號, the charger is easy to find and access. It offers fast and efficient charging, allowing Tesla owners to quickly get back on the road and continue their journey. The station is well-maintained and regularly serviced, ensuring
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新竹 - 湖口服務區南向, 新竹縣湖口鄉國強街1巷8號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹 - 湖口服務區南向 in 湖口鄉, 新竹縣 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. Located at 國強街1巷8號, the Supercharger features multiple charging stalls with state-of-the-art technology that can provide up to 250 kW of power, allowing drivers to charge their Tesla vehicles quickly and efficiently. Additionally, the facility offers amenities such as restrooms and
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新竹 - 湖口服務區北向, 新竹縣湖口鄉榮光路158號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹 - 湖口服務區北向, 新竹縣湖口鄉榮光路158號, 湖口鄉 is a fast and convenient way for Tesla drivers to charge their vehicles while on the go. Located at a service area in Hukou Township, the Supercharger features several charging stations and is designed to quickly recharge Tesla cars, providing up to 120 kW of power. This location offers drivers a comfortable
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拾月山房, 315 新竹縣峨眉鄉7鄰14寮21號 0983346578
The Tesla Charger at 拾月山房, located at 315 新竹縣峨眉鄉7鄰14寮21號, 峨眉鄉, provides an efficient and convenient way for electric car owners to charge their Tesla vehicles. The charger is equipped with the latest technology and is capable of charging Tesla electric cars quickly and safely. It is conveniently located at 拾月山房 and is accessible to the public. The charger offers a reliable
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再興高爾夫俱樂部, 303 新竹縣湖口鄉再興路350號 03 569 0999
The Tesla Charger at 再興高爾夫俱樂部 is a convenient and reliable charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. Located at 303 新竹縣湖口鄉再興路350號, 湖口鄉, this charging station provides fast and efficient charging for Tesla cars. It features eight Tesla Superchargers, capable of delivering up to 120 kW of power, which can fully charge a Tesla in as little as 45 minutes. In addition, the
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苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店, 350 苗栗縣竹南鎮公園路106號 037 615 500
The Tesla Charger at 苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店 is a convenient and reliable charging station for all Tesla electric vehicles. Located at 350 苗栗縣竹南鎮公園路106號, 竹南鎮, this charging station is easily accessible and offers a high speed charging capability that allows drivers to quickly and efficiently recharge their vehicles. The charger is well-maintained and provides a safe and secure charging experience for all Tesla drivers.
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