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Tesla Supercharger Taiwan

About Tesla Supercharger

Tesla Supercharger is a network of fast-charging stations designed specifically for Tesla electric vehicles. These charging stations are strategically located along major highways and in key urban areas, allowing Tesla owners to quickly and conveniently recharge their vehicles while on the go. With a focus on sustainability and efficiency, Tesla Supercharger stations are powered by renewable energy sources, making them a popular choice for environmentally conscious drivers looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
花博公園, 玉門街1號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 花博公園 in Taipei city is a fast, convenient and reliable charging solution for Tesla drivers. The station is strategically located near restaurants, shops, and attractions, making it an ideal stop for those on long-distance travels. The Supercharger features 16 stalls with a peak output of 150 kW, enabling drivers to get back on the road with
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臺南 - 生活飲料, 741012 台南市善化區成功路427號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 臺南 - 生活飲料, 741012 台南市善化區成功路427號, 善化區 is a convenient and reliable charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. It features 8 stalls with powerful charging capabilities, allowing drivers to quickly and efficiently charge their vehicles while on-the-go. The station is conveniently located near a popular shopping area, with plenty of amenities nearby for drivers to enjoy while they
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臺北-士林福林, 111 台北市士林區中山北路五段465號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 臺北-士林福林 is a convenient and efficient charging solution for Tesla vehicles in the area. This location features multiple charging stalls, enabling several cars to charge simultaneously. The Supercharger is easy to locate and offers fast charging times, allowing drivers to easily top up their batteries while on the go. The area surrounding the Supercharger also has
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宜蘭-女中路, 260 宜蘭縣宜蘭市女中路一段 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 宜蘭-女中路 is a convenient and efficient charging station for electric vehicles located at 260 宜蘭縣宜蘭市女中路一段 in Yilan County. This Supercharger offers fast charging for Tesla vehicles, allowing drivers to quickly recharge their batteries for extended travel. With multiple charging stalls accessible 24/7 and free charging for Tesla owners, this station provides a hassle-free and cost-effective solution for
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新竹-竹北哈洛德, 302 新竹縣竹北市文興路二段 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹-竹北哈洛德 is a convenient and efficient way for Tesla owners to charge their vehicles while on the go. It is located at 302 新竹縣竹北市文興路二段 in 新竹 and offers high-speed charging with up to 150 miles of range added in just 30 minutes. The Supercharger has multiple stalls, so multiple Teslas can charge at the same time. Additionally,
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Pingtung - South, Coming Soon
The Tesla Supercharger at Pingtung-South is an upcoming charging station located in Pingtung, Taiwan, which will provide Tesla car owners with rapid electric vehicle charging facilities. The Supercharger will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology, featuring multiple charging stalls, which can charge up to 120 kilowatts, enabling Tesla drivers to quickly recharge their vehicles while traveling in the southern region of Taiwan.
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奇美博物館, 仁德區文華路二段66號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at the Chimei Museum in Ren-De district of Tainan, Taiwan is a convenient stop for electric car owners looking to charge their vehicles. The Supercharger is located at the museum's parking lot and has eight charging stalls, allowing multiple vehicles to charge simultaneously. These stations provide fast and reliable charging, allowing drivers to get back on the road
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高雄 – 鳳山保南全聯, 高雄市鳳山區保南二路207號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 高雄 – 鳳山保南全聯, located at 高雄市鳳山區保南二路207號, is a convenient and reliable charging station for Tesla owners in the area. This Supercharger has multiple stalls that are designed to give a fast and efficient charging experience, allowing drivers to fully charge their Tesla vehicles in just a short amount of time. The location is easily accessible and provides
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臺中-復興愛買, 402 臺中市南區復興路一段359號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 臺中-復興愛買 is a reliable and convenient way for Tesla drivers to charge their vehicles. The Supercharger includes eight charging stalls and provides fast charging capabilities, allowing drivers to add up to 170 miles of range in just 30 minutes. The location is easily accessible from the highway and is situated near a shopping mall, making it
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新北-土城日月光廣場, 236 新北市土城區學府路二段210號 B3f 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新北-土城日月光廣場 is a convenient and efficient way for Tesla drivers to charge their vehicles. Located in the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, the Supercharger station features eight charging stalls that can replenish a Tesla's battery up to 80% in just 30 minutes. The station is open 24/7, making it easy for drivers to stop by
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桃園-八德, 334 桃園市八德區東勇北路295號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 桃園-八德, 334 桃園市八德區東勇北路295號, 八德區 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. It features multiple charging stalls that can accommodate up to 8 cars at a time, allowing for quick and easy charging sessions. The station is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that enables fast charging speeds, so drivers can get back on the
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新竹 - 湖口服務區南向, 新竹縣湖口鄉國強街1巷8號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹 - 湖口服務區南向 in 湖口鄉, 新竹縣 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. Located at 國強街1巷8號, the Supercharger features multiple charging stalls with state-of-the-art technology that can provide up to 250 kW of power, allowing drivers to charge their Tesla vehicles quickly and efficiently. Additionally, the facility offers amenities such as restrooms and
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桃園-青埔環球購物中心, 320 桃園市中壢區高鐵南路二段352號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 桃園-青埔環球購物中心 is a charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. It is conveniently located near the 320 桃園市中壢區高鐵南路二段352號 in the city of Taoyuan. The charging station is capable of delivering high-speed charging to Tesla electric vehicles, allowing drivers to quickly and easily charge their vehicles while shopping or eating at the surrounding businesses. The station features multiple connectors,
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苗栗-銅鑼科學園區, 銅鑼鄉銅科六路6號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at the Miaoli-Tongluo Science Park, Tongluo Township, Miaoli, is a high-speed charging station specifically designed for Tesla vehicles that allows for fast and convenient charging on the go. With eight charging stalls, it offers up to 250 kW of power, enabling drivers to recharge up to 50% of their car's battery in just 15-20 minutes, providing a
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新竹-科學園區, 科學園區工業東二路1號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹-科學園區 is a convenient and cutting-edge charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. Located at 科學園區工業東二路1號 in 新竹市, this Supercharger offers speedy charging with up to 250 kW of power, allowing Tesla drivers to recharge their vehicles quickly while on the go. The station features multiple charging stalls and is strategically placed near dining and shopping options, making
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Taichung - East, Coming Soon
The Tesla Supercharger at Taichung - East, Coming Soon, Taichung is a highly-anticipated charging station that will provide Tesla owners with fast and convenient charging services. Located in Taichung, Taiwan, this Supercharger will feature multiple charging stalls and offer high-speed charging capabilities, allowing drivers to quickly and efficiently power up their electric vehicles. With its strategic location and state-of-the-art technology, the
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高雄-路竹黑松露, 821 高雄市路竹區復興路315號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 高雄-路竹黑松露 is a convenient and fast charging point for Tesla electric vehicles. It is located at 821 高雄市路竹區復興路315號, 路竹區. The facility provides eight charging stalls equipped with the latest Tesla charging technology, enabling Tesla owners to recharge their cars quickly and safely while enjoying food and drink at the nearby Black Truffle Café. Whether you are on
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南投-草屯, 542 南投縣草屯鎮草溪路 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 南投-草屯 is a convenient and reliable charging station situated at No. 542草溪路 in 南投縣草屯鎮. This Supercharger is equipped with eight charging stalls, making it suitable for a large number of vehicles at the same time. It offers 24-hour service that ensures a fast and efficient charging experience, with up to 120 kW of power output. This location
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桃園 – 平鎮, 324桃園市平鎮區環南路313號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 桃園 – 平鎮 is a convenient and fast charging option for Tesla owners traveling through the area. Located at 324桃園市平鎮區環南路313號, 平鎮區, the Supercharger has multiple stalls available, allowing multiple vehicles to charge simultaneously. Drivers can expect a fast and efficient charging experience, with the Supercharger capable of delivering up to 150 kW of power. Additionally, the
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新北-汐止日月光家飾館, 221 新北市汐止區康寧街751巷13號p1停車場 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 新北-汐止日月光家飾館, 221 新北市汐止區康寧街751巷13號p1停車場, 新北市 is a convenient and efficient way for Tesla electric vehicle owners to charge their vehicles while on-the-go. This Supercharger station features multiple charging stalls and is conveniently located in a parking lot, making it easily accessible for drivers. With its high-speed charging capabilities, Tesla owners can quickly and easily charge their vehicles,
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Yilan - Suao, Coming Soon
The Tesla Supercharger at Yilan - Suao, Coming Soon, Yilan is a highly anticipated charging station that will provide fast and convenient charging for Tesla vehicles. Located in the city of Yilan, Taiwan, the Supercharger will offer eight charging stalls, making it easier for Tesla owners to travel long distances without worrying about running out of battery. The charging station will
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新北-新店, 新北市新店區北新路三段213號 B2 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger station at 新北-新店, 新北市新店區北新路三段213號 B2, 新北 is a highly convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. The station features multiple Supercharger stalls with fast-charging capabilities, allowing drivers to quickly and easily recharge their vehicles. The location also features various amenities such as restaurants and shopping areas, providing additional convenience to drivers while they wait for their
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新竹 - 湖口服務區北向, 新竹縣湖口鄉榮光路158號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹 - 湖口服務區北向, 新竹縣湖口鄉榮光路158號, 湖口鄉 is a fast and convenient way for Tesla drivers to charge their vehicles while on the go. Located at a service area in Hukou Township, the Supercharger features several charging stations and is designed to quickly recharge Tesla cars, providing up to 120 kW of power. This location offers drivers a comfortable
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臺中 - 有恆, 402台中市南區復興路三段與有恆街口 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 臺中 - 有恆 is a fast and convenient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. Located at the intersection of Fuxing Road and Youheng Street in South District, Taichung, this Supercharger offers eight charging stalls, providing up to 250 kW of power, allowing drivers to charge their vehicles at an impressive rate of up to 160 km in
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新竹-湳雅大潤發, 30052 新竹市北區湳雅街97號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 新竹-湳雅大潤發 in Hsinchu City is a convenient charging station for Tesla owners with a central location in the northern district. The station is located at 97 Nayaha Street and features multiple charging bays for ultra-fast charging. Tesla Superchargers can charge up to 50% in just 20 minutes, allowing drivers to quickly get back on the road. The
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桃園-楊梅, 326 桃園市楊梅區青年路9巷3號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger in 桃園-楊梅 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla vehicles. Located at 326 桃園市楊梅區青年路9巷3號, it is easily accessible and offers a fast charge time for vehicles. With multiple charging stalls available, drivers can quickly recharge their vehicles and continue their journeys. The station also has nearby amenities, including restaurants and shops for added convenience. Overall, the
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臺中-勤美誠品綠園道, 403 臺中市西區公益路68號 B3 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 臺中-勤美誠品綠園道 in Taiwan is a remarkable charging facility that provides Tesla owners with a fast, reliable, and convenient way to recharge their electric vehicles. With up to 20 stalls available, Tesla drivers can fuel up their cars in as little as 30 minutes while taking advantage of the nearby shopping, dining, and entertainment options in the area.
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屏東-枋山, 枋山鄉中山路三段61號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger located in 屏東-枋山, 枋山鄉中山路三段61號, 屏東 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric cars. It features multiple stalls and high-powered chargers, allowing drivers to quickly and easily recharge their vehicles while on the road. The location is easily accessible and situated in a convenient spot for travelers looking to recharge during their journey. Tesla owners can
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高雄 – 義享天地, 804 高雄市鼓山區大順一路115號b3樓 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 高雄 – 義享天地, 804 高雄市鼓山區大順一路115號b3樓, 鼓山區 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles. It features several charging stalls that offer up to 150 kW of power, allowing vehicles to charge quickly and get back on the road in no time. The location is easily accessible and has ample parking, making it an
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新北-中和環球購物中心, 中和區中山路三段122號6樓 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at the Global Mall in Zhonghe District, New Taipei City is a convenient and efficient way for Tesla drivers to recharge their vehicles while on the go. Located on the sixth floor of the mall, the Supercharger station features eight individual charging stalls, each capable of delivering up to 250 kW of power to a Tesla Model S,
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嘉義 – 布袋, 625 嘉義縣布袋鎮海安路 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 嘉義 – 布袋 is a convenient and efficient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles located in 嘉義縣布袋鎮海安路. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, this charging station can charge Tesla vehicles up to 80% in just 30 minutes, providing Tesla drivers with a quick and dependable means of recharging their vehicles on long journeys. The location of this Supercharger is
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臺北-臺灣大學, 106 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 0809007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 臺北-臺灣大學, 106 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號, 台北市 is a fast and convenient way for Tesla owners to charge their vehicles. The supercharger provides up to 150 kW of power and can charge a Model S, Model X or Model 3 in as little as 45 minutes. The location is easy to find and offers a comfortable and welcoming environment for
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高雄-亞洲新灣區, 806 高雄市前鎮區成功二路88號 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger at 高雄-亞洲新灣區 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is a convenient and reliable way for Tesla owners to charge their cars on the go. Located at 806 Qianzhen Dist, Kaohsiung City, the Supercharger offers eight stalls that can charge at up to 250 kW, allowing for a quick and efficient charge. The location is easily accessible and provides amenities such as
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新竹-竹北嘉豐南路, 302 新竹縣竹北市嘉豐南路 0809 007518
The Tesla Supercharger located at 新竹-竹北嘉豐南路 is a convenient charging station for Tesla electric vehicles, located in the city of Zhubei. The Supercharger features eight charging stalls, offering up to 150 kW of power for fast charging times. The station is situated near a shopping center and a variety of restaurants, making it a convenient stop for Tesla drivers on long
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