TJ Maxx El Camino Real


216a El Camino Real, Weigand Plaza, Encinitas CA 92024 (Directions from | to)





Department Stores

Store hours

Mon-Sat: 9:30 AM-9:30 PM
Sun: 10:00 AM-8:00 PM


Delivery Service, The Runway at Maxx

About TJ Maxx El Camino Real

TJ Maxx at 216a El Camino Real, Weigand Plaza, Encinitas CA 92024 is a bustling department store that caters to the budget conscious shopper looking for high quality, designer label merchandise at discounted prices. The store offers a vast selection of apparel, shoes, bags, jewelry, beauty products, and home goods at up to 60% off their original prices. With a constantly changing inventory, shoppers can expect to find items from top brands such as Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Kate Spade, and Ralph Lauren. The store is well organized, tidy, and staffed by friendly and knowledgeable associates who are always ready to assist customers with any questions or concerns they may have about products or prices.

Last updated:

09 May 2024