Kumon São Paulo

About Kumon

Kumon is a renowned educational company that provides after-school learning programs for children around the world. Their objective is to help children develop strong foundation in maths and reading skills through a unique and effective learning system. The Kumon Method combines individualized instruction, daily practice, and mastery-based learning to help students improve their academic abilities and boost their confidence. Kumon has a global presence and has helped millions of students overcome academic struggles and achieve success in their education.
Rua Dr Deodato Wertheimer 2906, Mogi Moderno (11) 26105431
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes - Mogi Moderno Center is located at Rua Dr Deodato Wertheimer 2906 in Mogi Moderno, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP. This educational center offers personalized and self-paced learning programs in math and reading for children from preschool through high school. Their method focuses on building strong foundational skills and critical thinking abilities to help students achieve academic success.
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Rua Jose Da Silva 460, Jardim Paulista (16) 36252900
The Kumon Ribeirao Preto/SP Center located at Rua Jose Da Silva 460, Jardim Paulista, is a professional and welcoming learning center dedicated to helping students achieve academic success. With a curriculum that focuses on math and reading, students receive personalized instruction that is tailored to their specific needs and learning style. The experienced instructors provide individual attention and guidance to ensure
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Avenida Das Amoreiras 1242, Sao Bernardo (19) 32722442
The Kumon Campinas-Sao Bernardo/Sp Center is a learning center located in Campinas-SP that offers educational assistance to students of all ages in math and reading. With a focus on developing strong study habits, Kumon uses self-learning methods to help students improve their skills at their own pace. The center provides a supportive and encouraging environment aimed at promoting success and helping
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Rua Jose Felix De Oliveira 836 Piso Terreo, Vila Santo Antonio (11) 47024036
The Kumon Granja Viana Center is a well-established educational institution, located at Rua Jose Felix De Oliveira 836 Piso Terreo, Vila Santo Antonio, Cotia-SP. The center provides personalized educational solutions for children of all ages, from preschoolers to high school students. The center's experienced staff helps students achieve academic success and develop essential skills such as critical thinking, logical reasoning, and
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Avenida Comendador Sant Anna 51 Sl 4, Capao Redondo (11) 58733735
The Kumon Capao Redondo-Ellis Maas Center located at Avenida Comendador Sant Anna 51 Sl 4, Capao Redondo, Sao Paulo-SP is a great place to help students of all ages reach their full potential. The center focuses on providing personalized learning programs through worksheets and individualized instruction, helping to build strong study skills necessary for success. The highly experienced and trained instructors
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Rua Tamikishi Takano 719, Centro (13) 38211348
The Kumon Registro Center in Centro, Registro-SP is a well-established educational center that offers personalized and structured learning programs for students of all ages and skill levels. The center is conveniently located on Rua Tamikishi Takano and is staffed by experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals. By following a proven method of self-learning and repetition,
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Rua Domingos Rosolia 295 Sl 15, Jardim Sao Jorge (11) 34499191
The Kumon Raposo Tavares-Arpoador Center is an educational facility located at Rua Domingos Rosolia 295 Sl 15, Jardim Sao Jorge, Sao Paulo-SP. The center is dedicated to providing personalized and individualized math and reading programs for students of all ages and abilities. With experienced instructors and a structured curriculum, Kumon helps students to develop strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills, while
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Avenida Grande Sao Paulo 15 Loja A, Parque Brasil (11) 28390491
The Kumon Terminal Grajau Center is a learning center located at Avenida Grande Sao Paulo 15 Loja A, Parque Brasil, Sao Paulo-SP. The center offers a personalized approach to learning, with individualized lesson plans designed to cater to each student's unique needs and abilities. The curriculum includes subjects such as math, reading, and writing, and is tailored to help students develop
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Rua Doutor Artur Ortemblade 974, Centro (17) 35621030
The Kumon Tabapua/SP Center is a well-equipped learning facility that offers programs aimed at improving students' academic proficiency. The center is located on Rua Doutor Artur Ortemblade 974, Centro, Tabapua-SP, and it is staffed by experienced instructors, who provide personalized support and guidance to students. The center specializes in math and reading programs, and it uses a unique learning method that
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Rua Alecrins 30, Cambui (19) 33813500
The Kumon Campinas-Cambui-Alecrins/SP Center located at Rua Alecrins 30, Cambui, Campinas-SP is a trusted education center that provides personalized learning programs for students in math, reading, and writing. With experienced instructors and a proven method, Kumon helps children of all ages and abilities develop strong skills and self-confidence. The center also offers a positive and supportive environment for students, along with
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Rua Luis Leite 161, Centro (19) 38522131
The Kumon Pedreira-Sp Center, located at Rua Luis Leite 161 in Pedreira-SP, is a great educational resource for children and adolescents who want to improve their academic skills. With a team of experienced and dedicated teachers, the center offers personalized instruction in math and English, helping students to build a strong foundation in these subjects. In addition to providing excellent academic
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Rua Jose Francisco Alves 44, Vila Ema (12) 30290021
The Kumon Sjc-Vila Ema Center is located in the Vila Ema neighborhood of Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP, on Rua Jose Francisco Alves 44. It is a learning center that offers personalized instruction and assistance in math and reading for children of all ages and skill levels. The center is designed to help children develop strong academic skills, build confidence, and prepare
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Rua Cordoba 215, Jardim America (12) 39315340
The Kumon S.J.Campos-Jd America/Sp Center located at Rua Cordoba 215 in Jardim America, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP is a highly recommended learning institution designed to provide quality education for students of all ages. With a team of dedicated and experienced instructors, students can expect personalized attention and support as they work towards improving their skills in subjects like math and reading.
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Avenida Coaciara 731, Parque Universitario (19) 30120711
The Kumon Campinas-Ouro Verde/Sp Center, located at Avenida Coaciara 731, Parque Universitario, Campinas-SP, is a comprehensive education center dedicated to providing high-quality academic assistance to students of all ages. With a focus on math and reading, the center offers personalized, self-paced learning programs designed to meet each individual student's needs and goals. Whether you are looking to help your child catch
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Rua Pedro Luiz Garcia 71 Casa, Centro (11) 43215100
Kumon Itapevi - Centro is a reputable and effective learning center located at Rua Pedro Luiz Garcia 71 Casa, Centro, Itapevi-SP. Their personalized learning approach helps students of all ages and levels excel in math and reading, through daily practice and mastery of foundational concepts. Their experienced instructors guide students every step of the way, ensuring their progress and success. Kumon
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Rua Jose Rosolem 294, Jardim Garcia (19) 33832069
Kumon Campinas - Jd. Garcia/Sp Center is a learning center located in Campinas, São Paulo. The center provides personalized academic and enrichment programs in mathematics and language arts for students of all ages, from preschoolers to adults. The Kumon method focuses on building strong academic skills by fostering self-learning and self-confidence. The center is staffed by experienced instructors who provide individualized
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Avenida Jose Bonifacio 383, Centro (18) 33711622
Kumon Maracai-Centro/Sp is an educational center located at Avenida Jose Bonifacio 383 in the Centro district of Maracai-SP. This center provides a unique learning experience through their specialized Kumon method, which aims to develop strong academic skills in children and adults in math and reading. Students at Kumon Maracai-Centro/Sp work at their own pace, receiving individualized instruction and guidance to improve
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Rua Luso Ventura 45, Jardim Santa Genebra (19) 32082915
The Kumon Campinas-Jd.Sta.Genebra/Sp Center is located at Rua Luso Ventura 45, Jardim Santa Genebra, Campinas-SP. It is a place where students can receive personalized instruction in math and reading, designed to help them unlock their full potential and achieve academic success. With a focus on self-learning and a supportive, encouraging environment, this center provides a welcoming space for students of all
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Rua Dos Amarilis 572, Cecap (19) 38711490
The Kumon Valinhos-Cecap/Sp Center located at Rua Dos Amarilis 572, Cecap, Valinhos-SP is a comprehensive learning center that offers personalized instruction to students of all ages and levels. The center provides individualized programs in math and reading designed to improve students' skills and confidence. With a focus on self-learning and self-improvement, the Kumon Valinhos-Cecap/Sp Center aims to help students develop the
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Rua Sete De Setembro 373 Esquina Com Rua Alagoas, Nova Vinhedo (19) 41419841
The Kumon Vinhedo - Nova Vinhedo/Sp Center is a learning center located on Rua Sete De Setembro 373, at the corner of Rua Alagoas in Vinhedo-SP. At this center, students receive personalized instruction on math and reading skills according to their individual academic ability and pace. The goal is to develop lifelong learning habits and self-confidence, which empowers students to achieve
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Av Dois Corregos 707, Piracicamirim (19) 33774005
Kumon Piracicaba - Av Dois Corregos/Sp Center is a renowned educational center located at Av Dois Corregos 707, Piracicamirim, Piracicaba-SP. The center is committed to providing quality education to students of all ages through personalized study programs that focus on building fundamental skills in math and reading. With experienced instructors and a comprehensive learning curriculum, Kumon Piracicaba delivers exceptional learning outcomes
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Rua Oscar De Souza Geribelo 130, Jardim Santa Paula (16) 33717370
The Kumon Sao Carlos-Santa Paula/Sp Center is a well-established educational institution located at Rua Oscar De Souza Geribelo 130, Jardim Santa Paula, Sao Carlos-SP. This center is committed to providing students with a systematic, individualized approach to learning that helps them develop strong academic skills and confidence. With a focus on math and reading, Kumon instructors work with each student to
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Calcada Antares 14 Salas 11 E 12, Alphaville (11) 41536044
Kumon Centro De Apoio is a learning center located in Alphaville, Santana De Parnaiba-SP, that offers personalized academic support to children and adults in the fields of mathematics, reading and writing. With a rigorous and structured curriculum, Kumon aims to help students develop their skills and knowledge independently, through daily practice and individual attention from specialized instructors. The facility is well-equipped,
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Avenida Brasil Sul 775 Loja 3, Zona Sul (18) 21240056
The Kumon Ilha Solteira Center is a well-established and reputable institution located at Avenida Brasil Sul 775 Loja 3, Zona Sul, Ilha Solteira-SP. This center offers quality educational programs to students of all ages and levels in math and reading, ensuring that each student reaches their full potential and achieves academic success. The center is staffed by experienced educators who work
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Rua Padre Arnaldo 320, Vila Silviania (11) 41884710
The Kumon Carapicuiba-V.Marcondes/Sp Center located at Rua Padre Arnaldo 320, Vila Silviania, Carapicuiba-SP is a supportive and encouraging educational program for children of all ages. With experienced instructors and personalized study plans, Kumon helps students improve their math and reading abilities, develop good study habits, and build their self-confidence. The center is dedicated to helping each child reach their full potential
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Estrada Kizaemon Takeuti 1461 Sl 1, Jardim Clementino (11) 42457603
The Kumon Taboao Da Serra - Pirajussara Center is a learning center that provides personalized academic support to children of all ages. Located in the Jardim Clementino area of Taboao Da Serra, the center offers a variety of programs designed to improve math, reading, and writing skills. The dedicated instructors at Kumon use a structured approach to help each student master
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Avenida Jorge Tibirica 1797, Vila Joaquim Inacio (19) 33863236
Kumon Campinas-Parque Prado Center, located at Avenida Jorge Tibirica 1797, Vila Joaquim Inacio, Campinas-SP, is a center dedicated to providing personalized and individualized learning programs for students of all ages. With a focus on math and reading, Kumon offers a structured and systematic approach to learning, designed to promote self-learning and independence. With skilled and experienced instructors, a supportive learning environment,
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Avenida Conceicao 188, Jardim Dom Bosco (19) 38343998
The Kumon Indaiatuba-Conceicao Center is an educational center located at Avenida Conceicao 188, Jardim Dom Bosco, Indaiatuba-SP. It offers a unique educational program for children and adults to improve their math and language skills. The center is equipped with experienced instructors who provide personalized instruction, enabling students to advance at their own pace. The program includes daily study at home and
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Rua Rangel Pestana 422/1, Centro (14) 33721106
Kumon Santa Cruz - Centro is a learning center located in the heart of Santa Cruz Do Rio Pardo-SP at Rua Rangel Pestana 422/1. The center offers a personalized education program designed to help students develop strong math and reading skills through individualized instruction and a mastery-based approach. The friendly and professional staff work closely with each student to create a
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Rua Onze De Agosto 631, Campos Eliseos (16) 36325782
The Kumon Ribeirao-C.Eliseos/Sp Center is a top-notch education and learning center located in Rua Onze De Agosto 631, Campos Eliseos, Ribeirao Preto-SP. This center is known for providing exceptional educational services to children of all ages, helping them make progress in their studies and improve their overall academic performance significantly. The expert tutors at Kumon Ribeirao-C.Eliseos/Sp Center use a personalized learning
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Rua Joao Wittica 30, Vila Sao Vicente (18) 32621365
The Kumon Presidente Bernardes/Sp Center is located at Rua Joao Wittica 30 in the Vila Sao Vicente neighborhood of Presidente Bernardes-SP. This center offers specialized after-school programs in math and reading for students of all ages, designed to improve their academic skills and confidently advance them to the next level. With dedicated instructors and personalized study plans, students can make significant
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Rua Leonardo Da Vinci 79, Jardim Bela Vista (19) 32521545
The Kumon Campinas-Taquaral/SP Center is located at Rua Leonardo Da Vinci 79, in the Jardim Bela Vista neighborhood of Campinas-SP. This center offers a comprehensive learning program for students of all ages and skill levels. The center provides individualized instruction and guidance in math and reading, focusing on building strong foundational skills and gradually advancing to complex concepts. The experienced instructors
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Rua Luiz Da Silva Rodrigues 307, Vila Independencia (15) 33584840
The Kumon Sorocaba - Vila Independencia/Sp Center is a tutoring center located in the Vila Independencia neighborhood of Sorocaba-SP. The center offers a personalized learning experience for students in math and reading, starting from basic concepts and gradually working towards advanced levels. The goal of the center is to help students develop strong study skills and a love for learning, leading
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Av Joao Ramalho 2361 Anexo 2365, Nucleo Hab Nova Marilia (14) 34513383
The Kumon Marilia-Joao Ramalho Center is a learning center located at Av Joao Ramalho 2361 Anexo 2365, Nucleo Hab Nova Marilia, Marilia-SP that offers personalized education solutions for children and adults. The center offers a Kumon Math and Reading Program that helps students develop their critical thinking skills and build a strong foundation in math and reading. Their friendly and experienced
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Rua Armando Salles De Oliveira 553 Sl 3, Vila Todos Os Santos (19) 981124242
The Kumon Indaiatuba-Kennedy Center is a learning center located in Indaiatuba-SP that offers individualized math and reading programs for children of all ages. Students work at their own pace, advancing through the levels as they master each concept, and receive personalized support from experienced instructors. The center is conveniently located on Rua Armando Salles De Oliveira, and provides a welcoming and
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Av. Agostinho Rubin 491 Loja 02, Jd. Germania (11) 55129301
The Kumon Capao Redondo - Campo De Fora Center is a specialized educational facility located in the neighborhood of Jd. Germania, Sao Paulo-SP. This center offers a unique program that aims to improve academic skills in various subjects, including math and reading. Their teaching approach emphasizes self-learning and develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. The teachers at Kumon Capao Redondo
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Rua Agua Marinha 119, Jardim Nomura (11) 47034603
The Kumon Cotia-Jd Nomura/Sp Center located at Rua Agua Marinha 119 in Jardim Nomura, Cotia-SP is a tutoring center that provides students with personalized learning programs to improve their math and reading skills. With a focus on individualized support, the program aims to increase students' confidence and academic performance. The friendly and supportive staff work closely with students to identify their
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Rua Sete De Setembro 863, Centro (16) 34430081
The Kumon Ribeirao - Centro is located at Rua Sete De Setembro 863 in the heart of Ribeirao Preto-SP. This Kumon center offers personalized math and reading programs to students of all ages and skill levels. With experienced instructors and a structured curriculum, students at Kumon Ribeirao - Centro can build a strong foundation in fundamental academic skills and develop a
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Rua Olga Frigeri Pizzinato 110, Jardim Merci Ii (11) 46074458
The Kumon Jundiai- Jardim Merci/SP Center located at Rua Olga Frigeri Pizzinato 110, Jardim Merci Ii, Jundiai-SP is a well-organized and welcoming learning center dedicated to helping students of all ages improve their academic skills. With expert instructors and a curriculum that emphasizes self-learning and mastery, Kumon offers personalized study plans for each student in math and reading, and aims to
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Rua Bahia 680, Ipiranga (16) 36307160
The Kumon Ribeirao-Alto Do Ipiranga Center is a highly-regarded educational center located on Rua Bahia 680 in the Ipiranga neighborhood of Ribeirao Preto-SP. The center offers personalized and engaging programs that promote academic excellence in children from pre-school up to high school. With a team of experienced and professional instructors, the Kumon Ribeirao-Alto Do Ipiranga Center emphasizes individualized learning and provides
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Avenida Antonio Massa 310 Sl 5, Centro (11) 46367140
The Kumon Poa-Pca Dos Eventos Center is a learning center located in the heart of Poa-SP at Avenida Antonio Massa. The center focuses on providing a positive and supportive learning environment for students of all ages to develop their math and reading skills through personalized instruction. The curriculum is designed to support each student’s learning pace and style, allowing them to
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Rua Rio Branco 119, Centro (18) 38611342
The Kumon Irapuru-Centro/SP located at Rua Rio Branco 119 in Irapuru, Brazil offers an educational program that focuses on math and reading skills for children and adolescents. The program uses a personalized approach with individualized lesson plans to help each student progress at their own pace. With a strong emphasis on self-learning and long-term study habits, Kumon Irapuru-Centro/SP aims to provide
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Avenida Nossa Senhora Do Sabara 4290, Vila Emir (11) 56123078
The Kumon Jd Palmares-Av N Sra Do Sabara/Sp Center is an educational center located in the Vila Emir neighborhood of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is designed to help students of all ages and abilities improve their mathematical and language skills through a personalized learning program. With individualized instruction and focus on strengthening core skills, students are able to build a strong
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Rua Elias Abrahao 220, Parque Residencial Atlantica (17) 32376886
The Kumon S J Rio Preto - Jd Atlantica Center is a learning center located in Sao Jose Do Rio Preto-SP, specifically at Rua Elias Abrahao 220 in the Parque Residencial Atlantica area. The center offers personalized math and reading programs for students of all ages and levels, aiming to develop their ability to learn independently and achieve academic success. With
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Travessa Soldado Silva 31, Vila Paulo Dias (11) 47151952
The Kumon Aluminio/Sp Center is an educational center conveniently located at Travessa Soldado Silva 31, Vila Paulo Dias, Aluminio-SP. This center offers a personalized and structured approach to learning that has helped students develop strong academic skills and confidence. With a focus on math and reading, children of all ages are able to benefit from the Kumon method, which involves building
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Rua Rui Barbosa 643a, Centro (18) 32635994
The Kumon Santo Anastacio Center is a dedicated learning center located at Rua Rui Barbosa 643a in the city of Santo Anastacio-SP. The center provides a structured and personalized approach to learning, helping students of all ages and skill levels to develop strong foundational skills in math and reading. Through individualized instruction, self-paced learning, and regular progress assessments, the Kumon method
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Rua Doutor Raul Silva 172, Vila Redentora (17) 30115566
Kumon S J Rio Preto - Centro is a learning center located at Rua Doutor Raul Silva 172, Vila Redentora, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto-SP. The center offers a personalized learning program that aims to improve students' math and reading skills. Students are taught at their individual level, which allows them to progress at their own pace. The center's instructors provide
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Rua Pastor Alzimar Jose Alves 123, Parque Alto Taquaral (19) 33265367
The Kumon Campinas-Alto Taquaral Center is a learning center located in the Parque Alto Taquaral district of Campinas-SP. The center provides a personalized approach to learning through the Kumon method, which focuses on individual progress and mastery of math and reading skills. With experienced instructors and a supportive environment, students are encouraged to develop their abilities and reach their full potential.
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Praca Dos Veteranos De Guerra 101 Sl 2, Jundiapeba (11) 28126117
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Jundiapeba Center is a learning center located at Praca Dos Veteranos De Guerra 101 Sl 2, Jundiapeba in Mogi Das Cruzes, Sao Paulo. This center offers personalized instruction for students in math and reading, helping them to improve their academic skills and build confidence in their abilities. With a focus on individualized learning plans and a supportive
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Rua Antonio Aleixo De Oliveira 116, Cidade Jardim (16) 36653036
The Kumon Altinopolis Center is a dedicated facility for academic enrichment located at Rua Antonio Aleixo De Oliveira 116, Cidade Jardim, Altinopolis-SP. Offering personalized tutoring services in math and English, the center caters to students of varying ages and skill levels. With a focus on self-learning and individualized instruction, Kumon helps students master fundamental skills and build confidence in their abilities.
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Rua Icatu 530 Sl 1, Parque Industrial (12) 30288889
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Parque Industrial Center is an educational center located in Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP, specifically at Rua Icatu 530 Sl 1 in Parque Industrial. This center focuses on providing academic enrichment programs for students in math and reading, with the goal of building strong foundations in these subjects and fostering lifelong learning skills. The highly trained instructors
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Rua Oito 2654, Centro (17) 36323854
The Kumon Jales-I/SP Center is a learning center located at Rua Oito 2654 in the city center of Jales-SP. The center specializes in providing individualized academic support to students of all ages through its renowned Kumon Method, which focuses on developing self-learning skills and subject mastery. Whether pursuing math, reading, writing or language studies, students at the Kumon Jales-I/SP Center will
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Rua Comendador Vicente Rossi 248, Jardim Morumbi (11) 45220401
The Kumon Jundiai-Nove De Julho/Sp Center is a highly-rated learning center situated at Rua Comendador Vicente Rossi 248 in Jardim Morumbi, Jundiai-SP. This Center is renowned for providing personalized learning programs that are tailored to meet the unique needs and abilities of each student. With experienced instructors and a friendly and supportive learning environment, students at Kumon Jundiai-Nove De Julho/Sp Center
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Rua Fernando Arens 318, Centro (19) 38771957
The Kumon Artur Nogueira - Centro/Sp at Rua Fernando Arens 318, Centro, Artur Nogueira-SP is a trusted and reliable educational center that provides effective study programs in mathematics and language learning for students of all ages. Their personalized approach to education ensures that each student receives individualized attention, allowing them to develop a mastery of their subjects and hone their critical
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Avenida Sao Geraldo 1239, Centro (16) 30107643
Kumon Araraquara/SP Center, located at Avenida Sao Geraldo 1239, Centro, Araraquara-SP, is a place where students of all ages can improve their knowledge and skills in various subjects. This center offers personalized learning programs in math, reading and writing for children from pre-school to high school. The experienced instructors help students to build strong fundamentals and develop critical thinking abilities. The
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Avenida Elisa Verzola Gosuen 3343, Prolongamento Vila Santa Cruz (16) 37210439
The Kumon Franca-Santa Cruz Center is an educational center located at Avenida Elisa Verzola Gosuen 3343, Prolongamento Vila Santa Cruz, in Franca-SP. It offers a math and reading program that focuses on individualized learning and skills development. The center's experienced instructors work with students of all ages and abilities, creating personalized study plans to help them improve their academic performance. With
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Avenida Bandeirantes 89, Jardim Bandeirantes (11) 47122380
The Kumon Sao Roque Bandeirantes - SP Center is located at Avenida Bandeirantes 89 in the Jardim Bandeirantes area of Sao Roque-SP. This center provides personalized learning programs to help children improve their math and reading skills. The experienced instructors at this center are dedicated to helping students achieve their full potential and develop a strong foundation in academic subjects. Their
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Rua Sete De Setembro 584, Centro (19) 38750399
Kumon Indaiatuba-Centro/Sp is a highly reputable educational center located in the heart of Indaiatuba-SP, Brazil. With a focus on personalized, self-paced learning, Kumon Indaiatuba offers a range of programs for children and adults in subjects ranging from math and reading to languages and study skills. With experienced instructors, engaging materials, and a proven track record of success, Kumon Indaiatuba is committed
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Rua Manoel Mendes 180, Centro (15) 32441270
Kumon Piedade-Centro/SP, located at Rua Manoel Mendes 180 in the heart of Piedade, São Paulo, is a reputable and reliable learning center that offers personalized tutoring services for children across various age groups. With a goal of fostering critical thinking and self-learning, Kumon uses a unique method that involves assigning individualized exercises to students based on their strengths and weaknesses, gradually
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Rua Barao De Jacarei 949, Centro (12) 39527056
Kumon Jacarei-Barao/Centro/SP is a top-notch learning center located at Rua Barao De Jacarei 949, Centro, Jacarei-SP. It offers personalized and comprehensive study programs in math and reading for children from pre-school to high school. With a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors, Kumon Jacarei-Barao/Centro/SP provides an environment where students can develop their skills, improve their grades, and enhance their confidence.
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Rua Saldanha Marinho 2254, Vila Independencia (19) 30359049
The Kumon Piracicaba-Independencia/SP Center is a place that provides learning opportunities to people of all ages. Located at Rua Saldanha Marinho 2254, Vila Independencia, Piracicaba-SP, the center offers a variety of programs designed to help students improve their skills in math and English. With carefully crafted course materials and experienced instructors, Kumon ensures that every student receives the attention and guidance
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Avenida Ipanema 1064, Vila Torteli (15) 41413400
The Kumon Sorocaba-Zona Norte/Sp Center located at Avenida Ipanema 1064, Vila Torteli, Sorocaba-SP is a well-equipped and modern learning center that provides high-quality tutoring services to students of all ages. The center offers personalized and structured study programs designed to help children of all levels master math and reading skills, develop critical thinking, and achieve academic excellence. The experienced and dedicated
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Avenida Do Rio Pequeno 1415, Rio Pequeno (11) 37634169
The Kumon Rio Pequeno/SP Center is a highly regarded educational facility located in Rio Pequeno, Sao Paulo-SP. The center is committed to providing quality learning experiences for students of all ages and abilities. With a dedicated staff of knowledgeable instructors and a curriculum designed to promote academic excellence, Kumon Rio Pequeno/SP is the ideal place for students to develop their skills
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Rua Sao Jorge 61, Santana
The Kumon Sao Jose Dos Campos-Santana Center at Rua Sao Jorge 61, Santana, Sao Jose Dos Campos-SP is a well-equipped and fully organized center that offers personalized educational support to students of all ages. With a team of experienced and highly qualified instructors, the center provides individualized learning plans to help students develop their math, reading, and writing skills, allowing them
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Rua Olegario Paiva 422, Centro (11) 47262809
The Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Shangai Center is a well-regarded educational facility located in the heart of Mogi Das Cruzes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This center provides students of all ages and academic backgrounds with access to high-quality tutoring services, personalized study plans, and a supportive learning environment. With a team of experienced instructors and cutting-edge educational resources, Kumon Mogi Das Cruzes-Shangai is
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Rua Rio De Janeiro 1508 Terreo, Centro (17) 981678886
The Kumon Fernandopolis Center is a learning center located at Rua Rio De Janeiro 1508 Terreo, Centro, Fernandopolis-SP. The center offers a structured learning program that aims to advance students beyond their school grade level and teaches them how to learn independently. The program covers math and reading, and classes are held twice a week. The center provides a supportive environment
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Rua Dezenove 168, Centro (17) 36313774
The Kumon Santa Fe Do Sul Center is a professional and educational institution located at Rua Dezenove 168, in the heart of Centro, Santa Fe Do Sul-SP. The center offers a comprehensive program designed to foster students’ academic growth and help them reach their full potential in math and reading. With experienced instructors, personalized learning plans, and a supportive environment, students
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Av Antonio De Oliveira 58, Centro (11) 46043813
The Kumon Mairipora Center, located at Av Antonio De Oliveira 58 in the heart of Centro, Mairipora-SP, is a welcoming and supportive space committed to helping students succeed academically and beyond. With experienced instructors and a tried-and-true method, Kumon provides personalized tutoring in math and reading for students of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're looking to catch up, get
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Rua Luiz Da Silva Pires 133, Vila Oliveira (11) 47965805
The Kumon M.Das Cruzes-V.Oliveira/Sp Center at Rua Luiz Da Silva Pires 133, Vila Oliveira, Mogi Das Cruzes-SP is a highly-regarded and well-respected learning center that focuses on personalized, individualized learning plans for each student. They offer tutoring and support for students of all ages and skill levels, and are equipped with experienced educators who are passionate about helping their students succeed.
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Rua Luiz Cestari 480 Piso Superior, Centro (16) 32427328
Kumon Monte Alto-Centro/Sp is a learning center located at Rua Luiz Cestari 480 Piso Superior, Centro, Monte Alto-SP. They offer a unique method of learning that focuses on individualized instruction tailored to the needs of each student. The center specializes in math and reading programs for students of all ages, from preschool to high school. With experienced instructors, a supportive learning
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Avenida Jose Gomes Da Silva 583 Sl 2, Parque Industrial Lagoinha (16) 32354028
The Kumon Ribeirao - Lagoinha Center is a highly reputable educational institution located at Avenida Jose Gomes Da Silva 583 Sl 2 in Ribeirao Preto-SP. The center offers custom-tailored learning programs that focus on mathematics and reading comprehension to enhance students’ academic and critical thinking skills. With a team of experienced professionals and a personalized approach to learning, Kumon Ribeirao -
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Rua Tenente Joao Francisco 415, Vila Carmelo (14) 38827535
The Kumon Botucatu Vila Carmelo/SP Center is a highly respected educational institution located on Rua Tenente Joao Francisco in the Vila Carmelo neighborhood of Botucatu, São Paulo. This center offers customized life-long learning programs that cater to children and adults. Students are placed on an individually tailored curriculum aimed at improving math and reading comprehension skills. The Kumon method used by
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Avenida Sete De Setembro 438, Centro (16) 32036530
Kumon Jaboticabal-Centro located at Avenida Sete De Setembro 438, Centro, Jaboticabal-SP is a reputable and highly-regarded educational institution that offers a wide range of learning services to students of all ages, from kindergarten to college level. The center's unique approach to teaching aims to help children and adults alike build strong academic foundations in subjects such as math and reading, as
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Rua Minas Gerais 138, Centro (18) 32816083
The Kumon Presidente Epitacio Center, located at Rua Minas Gerais 138, Centro, Presidente Epitacio-SP, is a professional and efficient learning center for students of all ages. This center offers personalized learning programs for math and reading, designed to help students progress at their own pace. With experienced instructors and a welcoming environment, the Kumon Presidente Epitacio Center provides a supportive and
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Rua Valencio Soares Rodrigues 89 Sl 4, Centro (11) 41594821
The Kumon Vargem Grande Paulista Center is located at Rua Valencio Soares Rodrigues 89 Sl 4, Centro, Vargem Grande Paulista-SP and offers students of all ages personalized learning programs in math and reading. The center is designed to help students improve their academic skills and confidence by providing individualized instruction and personalized lesson plans. The dedicated and experienced instructors at the
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Rua Nove De Julho 1693 Sl 2, Centro (16) 34168000
The Kumon Sao Carlos-Nove De Julho Center is located in the central district of Sao Carlos-SP and offers a comprehensive learning program for children in the community. The center provides individualized learning plans that focus on developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and academic excellence. With a team of experienced instructors, the Kumon Sao Carlos-Nove De Julho Center creates a personalized
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Rua Joaquim Novaes 255 Sl 02, Centro (19) 32525783
The Kumon Campinas-Cambui II/SP Center is located at Rua Joaquim Novaes 255 Sl 02, Centro, Campinas-SP. It is an educational center that helps students of all ages improve their abilities in math and reading through personalized and individualized instruction. The center provides a supportive and encouraging learning environment, with qualified instructors who determine each student's starting level and progress at his
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Avenida Benedito Castilho De Andrade 708 Sl 5, Parque Residencial Eloy Chaves (11) 951401840
The Kumon Jundiai - Eloy Chaves Center is a learning center conveniently located at Avenida Benedito Castilho De Andrade 708 Sl 5, Parque Residencial Eloy Chaves, Jundiai-SP. The center offers personalized and comprehensive academic programs in math and reading to children of all ages and abilities. With experienced instructors, individualized lesson plans, and innovative teaching materials, students can develop essential skills,
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Rua Analia Goncalves Da Costa 2137, Nosso Teto (18) 38713413
The Kumon Panorama/Sp Center is a reliable educational institution located at Rua Analia Goncalves Da Costa 2137 in Nosso Teto, Panorama-SP. It is committed to providing quality after-school programs that aim to enhance students' skills in math and reading. The friendly and efficient instructors use the Kumon Method, a well-established approach that develops self-learning skills and encourages independence. With a supportive
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Rua Doutor Coutinho 678, Centro (15) 35277501
The Kumon Itapetininga-Shopping/Sp Center is a well-equipped and professional educational center located at Rua Doutor Coutinho 678, Centro, Itapetininga-SP. It offers a world-renowned mathematical and English learning program designed to unlock a child's full potential by improving their cognitive and academic skills. With experienced instructors and personalized lesson plans, students receive individual attention to help them grow at their own pace.
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Avenida Dos Patos 203 A/Sl 3, Residencial Das Estrelas (11) 41922439
Kumon Aldeia Da Serra Center is a well-established educational center located in Barueri-SP, offering a personalized approach to education for children of all ages and abilities. The center offers a range of programs, including math and reading, that are tailored to the needs of each individual student, allowing them to progress at their own pace. With a team of highly qualified
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Rua Ercilio Antonio Meira 784, Jardim Santa Izabel (19) 33835866
The Kumon Hortolandia-Rosolen/SP Center is a learning center located in Jardim Santa Izabel, Hortolandia-SP. It offers personalized study programs in math and reading designed to help students develop strong skills and build confidence. The center's experienced instructors work with students to assess their individual needs and create a customized learning plan that supports their goals. With a focus on self-directed learning
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Rua Nossa Senhora De Fatima 191, Centro (11) 46963455
The Kumon Salesopolis/SP Center is a well-established and reputable center located in the heart of Salesopolis, SP. With its convenient location on Rua Nossa Senhora De Fatima, this center offers a range of personalized learning programs that cater to the unique needs and abilities of each student. The expert instructors at the center work closely with students to help them achieve
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Avenida Jose Bonifacio 1323, Centro (18) 38227578
The Kumon Dracena Center at Avenida Jose Bonifacio 1323, Centro, Dracena-SP is an excellent resource for individuals seeking educational support in math and reading. With a well-designed and proven learning method personalized to each student's needs, the center offers a comprehensive program that encourages self-paced progress. The experienced and dedicated instructors motivate and guide students to think critically and develop strong
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Avenida Evandro Batista Vieira 99 Salas 2 E 3, Loteamento Alphaville Campinas (19) 33050415
Kumon Campinas - Alphaville/SP Center is a reputable educational center located in Avenida Evandro Batista Vieira, Campinas. The center offers a unique and effective approach to learning through individualized worksheets and self-learning exercises aimed at helping students develop strong math and reading skills. The experienced instructors provide students with personalized attention and support, creating a positive learning environment that promotes discipline
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Avenida Doutor Ismael Alonso Y Alonso 3433 Sl 11, Santo Agostinho (16) 37060188
The Kumon Franca Santo Agostinho Center is a highly recommended learning center located at Avenida Doutor Ismael Alonso Y Alonso 3433 Sl 11, Santo Agostinho, Franca-SP. This center offers personalized study programs for children and adults, covering a wide range of subjects including mathematics, languages, and sciences. Students will benefit from experienced instructors, individualized learning plans, and a supportive learning environment
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Rua Adolfo Andre 434, Centro (11) 44126417
Kumon Atibaia-Centro in São Paulo is a well-established education center that offers high-quality tutoring services and supports students of all ages and abilities in their pursuit of academic excellence. The center is conveniently located on Rua Adolfo Andre and features a team of experienced and dedicated instructors who work with students on a one-on-one basis to develop strong study skills, improve
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Rua Senador Franco Lacerda 204, Centro (19) 33511686
Kumon Araras-Centro/SP is an educational center located at Rua Senador Franco Lacerda in the heart of Araras, São Paulo. The center offers a range of tutoring services designed to help children and adolescents develop their mathematics and language skills through personalized and self-paced learning programs. The Kumon method focuses on cultivating strong foundational skills and improving critical thinking abilities to help
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Avenida Pereira Da Silva 1852, Santa Rosalia (15) 32318750
The Kumon Sorocaba-Santa Rosalia/Sp Center is a learning center located at Avenida Pereira Da Silva 1852, Santa Rosalia, Sorocaba-SP. The center offers a personalized curriculum for students in math and reading that allows them to progress at their own pace, regardless of their academic level. With skilled instructors and a welcoming learning environment, the Kumon Sorocaba-Santa Rosalia/Sp Center helps students build
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Avenida Romeu Strazzi 1499 Terreo, Jardim Walkiria (17) 32294225
The Kumon S.J. Rio Preto-Plaza Av. Center is a convenient and reliable educational facility located in the heart of Sao Jose Do Rio Preto-SP. This center offers a unique learning experience that focuses on personalized academic advancement for students of all ages and skill levels. With a team of highly skilled instructors and a strong commitment to individual growth and development,
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Rua Da Paineira 382, Centro (15) 32845562
The Kumon Cerquilho/SP Center is conveniently located in the heart of Cerquilho at Rua Da Paineira 382. This educational center offers a unique learning approach that focuses on individualized instruction for children of all ages and abilities. With a variety of programs spanning from math and reading to languages, students can achieve academic success while building essential study skills and self-confidence.
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Rua Domingos Xavier Da Silva 86 Casa, Vila Jurema (18) 35221103
The Kumon Adamantina Center is a learning center located at Rua Domingos Xavier Da Silva 86 Casa, Vila Jurema, Adamantina-SP. It offers students of all ages a personalized approach to learning, with a focus on math and reading skills. The center provides a structured curriculum designed to help students progress at their own pace and build confidence in their abilities. Additionally,
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Rua Joaquim Olavo Carvalho 53, Centro (15) 32624209
Kumon Porto Feliz-Centro/Sp is a comprehensive tutoring center located in Rua Joaquim Olavo Carvalho 53, Centro, Porto Feliz-SP. The center offers personalized and individualized instruction to students of all ages to help them build a solid foundation in math and reading skills. With a detailed assessment of each student's learning abilities, the Kumon method aims to build their confidence, improve their
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Rua Oscar De Souza Geribelo 130, Jardim Santa Paula (16) 33717370
The Kumon Sao Carlos-Santa Paula/Sp Center is a highly-recommended educational facility located at Rua Oscar De Souza Geribelo 130, Jardim Santa Paula, Sao Carlos-SP. They offer a comprehensive and individualized approach to learning, catering to the unique needs and abilities of each student. With a well-trained team of instructors and a positive learning environment, the center offers programs in math and
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Rua Sao Jose 706, Centro (18) 996725628
The Kumon Birigui/Centro is an educational center located at Rua Sao Jose 706, Centro, Birigui-SP that offers a unique learning experience for children and adults alike. With a focus on math and reading, Kumon provides individualized instruction that builds a strong foundation of skills and knowledge. The program is designed to help students progress at their own pace and develop confidence
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Rua Helio Rodrigues Pires 410, Jardim 10 De Outubro (15) 32831987
The Kumon Helio Kihara Center located at Rua Helio Rodrigues Pires 410 in Jardim 10 De Outubro, Laranjal Paulista-SP is a respected educational institution that offers personalized learning programs for math and reading to students of all ages and skill levels. The experienced instructors work with each student individually to identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a tailored learning plan
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Rua Moyses Miguel Haddad 749, Jardim Canaa (17) 32316762
The Kumon S.J.Rio Preto-Jd Canaa Center is a great educational resource located at Rua Moyses Miguel Haddad 749, Jardim Canaa, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto-SP. The center provides personalized learning programs for students of all ages to strengthen their math and reading skills. Highly trained instructors help students progress through the Kumon levels at their own pace, ensuring that they develop
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Avenida Da Republica 241 Sl 4, Centro (11) 46566021
The Kumon Santa Isabel/SP Center is a highly effective educational program that offers individualized learning methods for children of all ages. Situated in Avenida Da Republica, Santa Isabel, the center creates a supportive and encouraging environment where students are guided through a step-by-step approach to skills acquisition. The Kumon method of learning focuses on building proficiency in math, reading, and writing
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Rua Doutor Jose Dela Cella Lyrio 93, Jardim Planalto (19) 36522915
Kumon Aguai/SP Center is a reputable educational institution located at Rua Doutor Jose Dela Cella Lyrio 93, Jardim Planalto, Aguai-SP. It offers individualized math and reading programs for kids from pre-school to high school level, aimed at improving their skills and building their confidence. The center's skilled instructors assist children to understand and develop their abilities at their own pace using
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Rua Luiz Gama 8-17, Vila Independencia (14) 32042349
The Kumon Bauru Castelo Center is located at Rua Luiz Gama in Vila Independencia, Bauru-SP. It is a learning center that offers personalized academic support to children of all ages in subjects such as math, reading, and writing. They have a team of experienced instructors who provide individualized instruction and assess each student to tailor their learning plan. The center's goal
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